Progressive Leasing offers an easy budgeting tool that helps you estimate lease-to-own costs, excluding sales tax, before applying! When you use this tool, please keep in mind that your actual terms and pricing details may vary based on approval.
To get your estimate:
- Go to our Find a Store
- Search for a retailer by entering your city or Zip Code and clicking ‘Estimate leasing cost’ (Ex. 1)
- Fill out the cash price of the merchandise.
- Select how often you are paid.
- Click ‘Get my estimate’ (Ex. 2).
Within your estimate, you will see your estimates of the lease-to-own cost, 12-month lease-to-own total, recurring payments, early purchase options and much more! (Ex. 3)
Once you have reviewed your estimate, you will have the option to apply. (Ex. 4)
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